
Mystery in Bahía Blanca: suspicions increase the girlfriend of the missing and his lover

Mystery in Bahía Blanca: suspicions increase the girlfriend of the missing and his lover

The whereabouts of Gabriel García Gurrea remains uncertain more than three months of its disappearance and finding it is the primary objective of the prosecution 20 of the Buenos Aires city of Bahía Blanca, specialized in the search for people. “Prácticamente, ya damos por descartado que se ausentó por su cuenta”, comentó una fuente judicial al diario Clarín.

The statement is based, rather than the absence of some indication about the movements of man after they denounced their absence, in the suspicions that continue to be added to the couple and the environment.

To the contradictions in the testimony of Pamela Antúnez (52), the investigators add on Wednesday two expert results, product of the work of the Directorate of Special Cases of the Buenos Aires Police.

With the use of luminol, they found blood stains in a couple of the four kidnapped vehicles last week.One, a Citroën C4, belongs to a daughter that Antúnez had with a previous couple."An important blood presence was found in the trunk and that reaches the relief wheel," described a spokesman on the expertise by scientific police.

According to the researchers, Citroën would have been used by Antúnez hours after the disappearance of García Gurrea, who was 45 years old when he was last seen.Before, both had discussed in the department she has on the first floor of General Paz 82, in the macrocentro of Bahía Blanca and where they lived.

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From that place, after the fight, the man took some clothes, left his mobile phone and did not return anymore.Nor did he return to the greengrocer of Punta Alta where he worked.His companions told Antúnez, who made the complaint for the disappearance on May 20.

The remaining positive result for the presence of blood occurred on the grill of a Toyota Hilux truck, kidnapped with the garage of the General Paz building.It belongs to Marcelo Campetella, who lives on the second floor of that building.Two other vehicles were inspected, but no trace of interest for the cause was found.

For researchers and the family of García Gurrea, Champion is a lover of Antúnez and in fact both were together last Thursday when the Police of the Department of Investigations raided the department of the first floor.The man opposed the procedure and was delayed for a few hours at the headquarters of the Bahiense DDI, by resistance and attack on authority.

False testimony

Antúnez and Campetella already faced a process for false testimony, after justice found inconsistencies between their statements and the movements of their vehicles and mobile phones, of the days after the disappearance of García Gurrea.After being arrested last July, they refused to declare and were released.

According to Fuentes from Prosecutor's Office 20, it will take 10 to 15 days to determine if the blood detected with the luminol in both vehicles is of human or animal origin.A couple of similar findings, although of less amount, occurred last week, also with the chemist that, in the dark, manages to rescue the presence, even old, of blood traces.

A lower presence of blood, of still uncertain origin, was detected in a car from the father of Antúnez's daughter and also in a field that Champion has in the area of Chasicó, 40 kilometers from Bahía Blanca.There, last month, several days of rake were held, with specialized dogs, which did not yield any results.

Those operations followed a series of sweeps carried out without success in different parts of the city.Then, the Prosecutor's Office added to the case to the Directorate of Analysis of Communications Investigations (DAIC) of the province.

At the request of prosecutor Rodolfo de Lucía, he is dedicated to the study of the crossing of telephone calls.To the first analysis of the contacts by this route between Antúnez and Campetella, who determined the opening of the cause by false testimony, a second round of study was added.

Is that after the search last Thursday to the departments of both, more kidnapped phones were added.The researchers also took devices from the house of the daughter of Antúnez and his father, previous couple of the suspected woman.

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