
Chavuco?10 signs that indicate that so the others see you

Chavuco?10 signs that indicate that so the others see you
El síndrome de Peter Pan te pegó duro y lo peor, es que ni siquiera te has dado cuenta.

Por Alejandro Mancilla¿Chavoruco? 10 señales que indican que así te ven los demás ¿Chavoruco? 10 señales que indican que así te ven los demás

Chavuco?That's right, there comes a time when you look like Steve's Meme BusWhat you used to do before, is little for your age.Of course, sometimes the last to find out you are.Therefore, we prepare a list of 10 indications that you are a chavech or you are in the process of being.If you want to be a little more time outside that category, avoid these actions and you will not be in that league for the moment.

When you know someone in a bar or party, they tell you about "you"

And indeed, if invariably your answer is "Do not talk to me about you", you certainly pay for your inevitable ‘Chavuquez’.When other people at the meeting or someone who has just presented you refers to you as "Lord", is that you are already in those instances but do not want to accept it.Be careful: If you have about 25 or 30 years, you are a premature chavaluco and you must do something for your image (we all have the friend who from the high school already seemed a 48 -year -old bank manager although he had just 17).If they tell you "gift" and you offend yourself, give yourself a chavech without objection.

You make jokes of those that nobody laughs

Another unequivocal symptom is when your jokes evoke references that are not in force in current trends (which are not modern, go) and nobody understands what the grace is.Usually, chartucos do not know the new inclusion codes or are in tune with the current context and do not realize when their jokes can be offensive.The worst thing is that they do not understand why anyone celebrates their thanks.Care: If you notice that after counting the joke that seemed irresistible there is an awkward silence - or even a matojo like those of the desert - you could be entering that category.

In your group of friends you are the greatest

Of course, you are the good vibes that invites the party and always has credit available on your cards, but accept it, you are a chaveuco.And another of the clear signs that you belong to this guild, is that you are usually a friend of people at least 5 years younger than you;So much, that sometimes in the clubs or bars, they usually think that you are the uncle who went to take care of others (and that he dances very well, yes).In some cases, there are chartucos infiltrated in groups of friends until a minor decade.If this is your case, you were sure to explain all the references of Luis Miguel's series.

You want to monopolize music

¿Chavoruco? 10 señales que indican que así te ven los demás

Yes, and also swears yesterday's music was better.Yes, you may be right, but the nostalgia for popular culture and technology yesterday, if you are not a real hipster, catalog you as a chev that wants to hear the usual and that also believes that their tastes are better than those of theothers.And if also malacopeas, add extra points.

You lie about your age

You have not officially spend the age of 35 and every birthday, although the Lord who invited to the party and was your university partner), then you are a chaavuco.In addition, if you hide some signs about your true age, such as when you use canas dyes or to be on the wave.If you entered your 42 tiktok, you could undoubted.C.

You have or look for a couple who almost bent the age

You usually get excited with girls (or boys) to whom you have been at least 10 years.The phrase "second air" is for you a lifestyle.

The self -rua selfie

This adult with a child's soul does not escape the new fashions (as it should be), but uses certain tricks that reveal their chavuquéz.For example, in addition to the infallible botox that apply according to them without anyone noticing, selfies are usually taken with dark lenses (to hide the years a little) or with all the filters of the world to look more Lozanos.Do not do it, please, in the networks you can find many examples to identify "chavucos" and do not deceive anyone.

Your way of speaking

Your vocabulary is made up of phrases of at least three decades, which may seem very normal to you, but that usually baffles your interlocutors since you use outdated words and mixtures indiscriminately with fashion terms.Of course, nobody tells you, but sometimes it seems that you come traveling from another decade.If you are familiar with phrases such as "Ok, Maguey", "of Hairs", "Play Chicken" or "Serene, Moreno", you should see your asylum.

The Chavuco outfit

Yes, the Chavechish costume is a strange but identifiable combination of clothing from several eras, without failing the shirts of rant rock bands and do not dare to throw (besides, if they see someone with a shirt of an artist they usually ask himIf you know at least 5 songs from the band and if not, you are recriminated that "it does not deserve to carry something that does not know what it is").In general, the look is young "wannabe", with fashionable clothes and very stuck, the eternal denim jeans and shirt (very formal clothes are made of "lord").Many times, the chaveuco usually lives with his parents, he longs for the adolescent world and feels a need to fit that contradicts himself for his obvious nostalgia for "the best times".

Finally, do the following exercise: Check your portfolio or guanter of your car.If you bring something as followIt is already Shabadaba, let's go from Drinks to see which "mamalón" plan there is for the "reveven", there is no doubt that you are a chehavco with a doctorate.

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