
Female ejaculation and squirting: they are neither the same nor something to be ashamed of

Female ejaculation and squirting: they are neither the same nor something to be ashamed of

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Women and people with a vulva also ejaculate, although this liquid is not always expelled and does not have to be associated with orgasm . This is how the psychologist and sexologist Virginia Paños explains it and adds that the lack of knowledge about this process is due to the lack of attention that female sexuality has historically received.

Female ejaculate comes from the paraurethral glands , which are located in the first third of the vagina. “what we know as zone G”, clarifies Paños. "By stimulating that area and achieving arousal, these glands become congested and fill with fluid and increase in size."

All people with a vulva ejaculate and their fluid can be expelled through the paraurethral orifices, but not forcefully . The sexologist clarifies that this liquid —white and odorless— is not urine .

"It can give the feeling that we are urinating and it can generate shame, giving rise to blockage or repression, but we must remember that it is a totally normal process," she adds. Other times the body reabsorbs it and it is expelled through the urethra when urinating.

It can also happen that ejaculation occurs with or without orgasm. “They do not have to go together, nor does it imply more pleasure. We must break this myth because it supposes more pressure during sexual relations”, says Paños.

What is squirting?

As the sexologist explains, there is often a tendency to believe that female ejaculation and squirting are the same , but this is not the case. This term, which comes from the English word squirt, is used to express the process of expelling another type of liquid different from the one secreted with ejaculation, "more transparent and diluted". In this case, it is expelled through the urethra, but it is not urine either, "although traces can be found."

“It is believed that it may be due to a hyperfiltration of the kidneys that occurs rapidly during arousal, filling the bladder. The set of hormones that are secreted at these times, such as oxytocin or antidiuretics, can also influence this process, ”she explains.

squirting neither is it a powerful expulsion , “as is often portrayed in porn”, nor does it have to coincide with orgasm or be more pleasurable. "Unlike ejaculation, here there is more will, and there are people who can achieve it deliberately," explains Paños. “In any case, not experiencing it is not a symptom of sexual dysfunction. It's a normal thing too,” she adds.

Paños remembers that the important thing is to enjoy sexual practice. To do this, you have to relax in order to reach a good arousal. “It is not good to be obsessed with experiencing squirting or reaching orgasm because the only thing we will achieve is frustration,” she points out. Similarly, there are other tricks to increase pleasure such as stimulation of the G zone and other parts of the vulva, such as the clitoris.

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