
Apply the norm, change the norm

Apply the norm, change the norm

The analysis of the covers of today's sports newspapers

Hello.To rhyme."Benzema / Golden Ball".You can even chant the street, in manifestations of Madrid hordes that walk jointly after a banner with that same motto.The final of the tournament that was played yesterday is not exactly the final of a World Cup - of fact, it seems to us an ignominiously invented tournament to give a ruling patina to FIFA friendly collection - but it serves to endorse the absolute need forBenzema is granted the highest Balompédica individual distinction once and for all, welcome be.

France, disastro.France was, yes, an inoperative engendro until Karim made an appearance to return it to the game with an extraordinary shot from the peak of the area.House brand.I hit with a calculated thread so that Unai would only touch the ball.The good Basque goalkeeper did enough, who could not prevent the goal.Karim Benzema is at the moment, very long, the best attacker on the planet.This has not less than two and a half years.If you know your overwhelming palmarés, we do not know what is expected to reward your work with the only possible prize: the Golden Ball.

Of course, the Spanish press does not take care today, however, neither Benzema nor its goal, but of Mbappé and his, somewhat wrapped in great controversy and that will be discussed for a long time, which ultimately (weLOVE TO SAY "In dessert") it was definitive.As you will see, a whale of national hooliganism is not saved to draw conclusions on the cover.

To us, "football is being loaded" reminds us of Xavi Hernández, we cannot avoid it.Do you remember?When Barça lost, I had lost football.When the opponent launched some tactical mechanism that bothered Barça, that mechanism was always contrary to football.Football was only badly stopped when Barça was going badly, and it seems that the same spirit today floods the brand cover, with the only exception of replacing the blaugrana with the rojigualda.We did not see a brand so concerned about the good of football when, just a few months ago, the statistical aberration of a team like Madrid culminating an entire league championship was consumed without a single field referee whistling a penalty in favor.There football was safe and except, nobody loaded it.

It is not difficult to imagine how it would have ventilated this cover brand if it had been a Madrid-Valencia Cup final with identical play giving the triumph to the Ches."The Valencia Champion" to five columns, with a laconic note in small print: "Madrid complains about the application of the norm that enables the Valencian goal".And quiet football at home, without a scratch.

Apliquen la norma, cambien la norma

How will the national spirits that even sport put the cry in the sky exacerbated.Sport, yes, traditionally distinguished daily by its deep Hispanic feeling and its deep tradition of fissure support for the greatness of Spain, country the pronunciation whose name has always acquired a special resonance in the voice timbre of journalists such as Enric Folch.

"A great Spanish team falls against France scandalically with a goal in Mbappé's game".We agree with the first part of the phrase.A great Spanish team, well directed by Luis Enrique and put the world champion against the ropes.So far everything good.

What we don't just see is the scandal.We see the disappointment.We see rabies, we understand it, and this humble portanalist, as Spanish, until he shares.It hurts a lot to lose by the rigorous application of a norm, but it turns out that this rule exists, and that if it exists, it must be applied by discussing that the norm is.He clarified yesterday on Twitter Alberto Cosín, who knows his own.There is no logic in the norm or its concomitance, and that makes Taylor's decision into a lacerant.But the norm is what is.

In this sense, and since Sport is an assumed publication, he could learn from "his" player Eric García, who was absolutely exemplary before the press, responding with the calls to the rebellion of journalists."I wish they change this rule someday but today they will not change it.It's goal ".The Galerna has not saved irony with this player and her presence in Barça and in the Red Call.Yesterday he won us saying this.MODELICAL.

Does no world sports, more daily in Godó (great of Spain) than ever, in its eager defender of the country, typical of almost legionary drives.The word game "Varapalo" is frankly improvable, but nothing like "Eric plays the ball according to the referee".Man, according to the referee and as testifying the images objectively.Is it absurd that this fact enables Mbappé?It is.Is it the illogical norm?It is, change, as Eric himself suggested.But discussing the fact that Garcia touches that ball, and that as a effect of that Mbappé touch it is enabled, it is more absurd than the norm itself.Flack the norm but, as long as it is not changed, apply, which is what the Collegiate Taylor did.

Gavi.Sergi Roberto.Eric García himself.Luis Enrique himself.All of them manifestations of alleged favoritism culé that you go to know if it will not be the true explanation of so much indignation by rotating that are not distinguished precisely, regularly, by its Hispanic ardor.

In the midst of this curious inflammation of rojigualdos feelings, the first flat of AS, which in our opinion just where you have to put it: the excellent news that the great role carried outcarried out in the tournament, although this is lower.Spain has reasons to dream.The cover of AS, as Intachable was Eric García and even Luis Enrique himself."Without title, but with a future".


We do not want to end this section without returning to the glory of a great Benzema, whom Real Madrid congratulated in his social networks for the triumph, while claiming for the Golden Ball.

Do not believe that this white club tweet seemed normal to everyone, even though there was another tweet congratulating Luis Enrique's for the great role played.No, dear, no.Madrid made its own player very badly congratulating.But that very bad.

Ved, Ved.

How do you stay, friends?The congratulation, according to this journalist from an important Latin American channel, must have been private.Of course.In a dark room of Valdebebas to which Karim had to arrive hidden in the trunk of the car, it is not going to be incurred in the risk of someone knowing.

Have a good day.

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